Saturday, January 5, 2013

Vertical Pleats

I have been making a ton of skirts lately. I have a friend that is having her first baby, so I am definitely making sure that she is well stocked. I will admit though, it is making me VERY baby hungry. Curses!
I started by cutting three pieces of material. This skirt was made to fit a baby size 0-3 months.
1 piece (main fabric) 6x28"
1 piece (coordinating fabric) 2x28"
1 piece (main fabric) 2x28"
Serge or sew all three pieces together.
Your fabric will look like this.
Working with the wrong side of the fabric facing up, fold the serged edges towards each other while pressing with an iron.
Like this.
Flip your material over so the right side is now facing up. Using a ruler to keep it even, fold the top (main) fabric down and over your coordinating piece. This will create another pleat. Iron the heck out of your pleats. Seriously, iron a ton!
With rights sides together, serge or sew your fabric ends together creating a tube.
 Hem your the bottom of your skirt.
 Along the top, creating a one inch casing for your elastic.
Attach a safety pin to one end of your elastic and begin threading it through the casing. One trick I use is when the opposite end of your elastic is almost gone, pin it so it doesn't slip through into the casing. No one likes re-threading the elastic. No one!
Zig-zag stitch your elastic together.
Add a cute little tag or piece of ribbon into the opening and stitch closed.
I was a little worried about my pleats separating so I added a little heat and bond sporadically so keep the pleats down.
So excited for my friend to have her baby and to see her in all the cute itty bitty things I have been making. Why is everything infinitely cuter when it is teeny?

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