Friday, September 28, 2012

This Just Pinned

When I posted about our bathroom a few days ago, I added this picture to the post.
One of the first things I ever pinned was this. I fell in love with these fun soap dispensers right away. I even spray painted the lids to match my decor. The greatest part is that I used the pumps from my bottles of Bath and Body Works soaps I have stocked up.
My mom and I even made a few for her to take home when she was here. They are so cute and inexpensive you could make one for everyone you know!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's My Birthday!

Happy birthday to me! Today I turn 29. Eeeeek! I am pretty scared of 30, not gonna lie.

I found this print the other day and have it currently printing at Sam's Club for my front room. Love the colors and especially LOVE the quote!

So go make it a good day. As a birthday gift to me!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ruffly Skirt

This was the best picture I could get of Tana in her new skirt. This skirt was sew simple and sew cute! (sorry I couldn't help myself!) I bought the material at Hobby Lobby for only $4 a yard AND I was able to make five skirts out of that yard. FIVE! 

I followed this tutorial, but I know there are about a million others out there. I love that there is nothing to hem. Just a couple stitches and you are done.

Now to make one in my size!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Growth Chart

Growing up in California, my parents had a closet that is marked to the high heavens with all of our heights over the years. It even has markings for a few kids my mom did daycare for. I love looking in that closet. So much so, that if my parents ever move they will need to cut it out and take it with them.
I know I have mentioned several times that we have moved a lot. Eleven times in ten years, a lot. So marking up some door frame just wouldn't make any sense. Everything I make needs to be portable!
This was so easy. My sister and I got together one day back when we lived in Utah. I had the good people at Home Depot cut the 2x6 for me. We painted them to match our kids' rooms, marked out our spaces, and then slapped on some vinyl. If you don't have a Cricut or Silhouette to cut the vinyl it will be more time consuming.

The only change I would make would be to add a hanging thing to the back, so I could hang it from the wall. I have Tana's sitting on the floor and it occasionally gets knocked over. But if I were to hang it now I would have to adjust all the vinyl pieces. I am a little too lazy for that!

There are so many different growth charts out there now, so you can do a quick Google search and find a ton of pictures! My new favorite is the stained wood one that looks all vintage. Way cute!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ridiculous Recipes

I made this recipe a few weeks ago when we had the missionaries over for dinner. I omitted the extra fancy stuff and kept it basic. 

It was good! SO VERY GOOD! And easy. I promise you will not be disappointed.

PS My best friend is scheduled to have her first baby girl today. Yea!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

This Just Pinned

If you haven't already seen this pin, it is everywhere! I made the super easy, and super inexpensive cleaner last week and tried it out on my bathtubs.
And it worked! No scrubbing at all. Just watch all that nasty go down the drain.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Shawn and I got married almost ten years ago. You would think I would have painted at least one room in all the places we have lived. But, not so much. Usually the reasoning was that we would be moving shortly. After moving to Cheyenne, I knew this home would be a little more permanent. And yet, it still took me over a year to paint anything. Gah!
One morning this summer, I woke up and did a quick browse of Pinterest. Someone pinned a bathroom that they had painted grey. I LOVED it! So naturally, I ran out and bought the exact same paint and everything else I would need. A few hours later, I was done. Awesome!
I also spruced it up will a few new accessories.
I also decided to rip out the towel ring that is standard in all bathrooms. I replaced it with a knob I bought at Hobby Lobby years ago. I think it looks a lot better, don't you?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ridiculous Recipes

Holy goodness!
If you are anything like me and LOVE marshmallows or anything s'mores, then you really must run (yes, run!) and try this recipe.

So simple and yet SOOOOOOO amazing!

Oh, and every Monday I will be sharing a new recipe that I have actually tried and that I deem worth sharing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jewelry Storage for Small Spaces

 As much as I love jewelry, I don't really like it displayed on my walls. But, on the flip side, I also don't want it hidden, because I will forget to wear it. After moving I had to come up with a new way to store my jewelry.
My necklace idea took a little bit of thinking. Meaning I had my necklaces strewn all over my dresser for a few months before I came up with an idea. I simply used some Command hooks to hang them up. I truly love these things. So easy to put up, they don't ruin the wall, and even easier to take down and move. I think I may buy a few more and move some necklaces around.
My earring idea took all but one trip to Joann Fabric and a 50% off coupon. I found this CUTE stand and new exactly what to use it for. It is also fairly small and sits nicely on my bathroom counter.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

PLEASE Take a Minute and Vote!

Head over and vote for me if you will. It looks like you can vote once a day, from different devices. I am number 55.
Thanks a ton!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Girly Decor

 While having a girl has proved to be somewhat of a challenge at times, it does have its perks.
Decorating her room has been so much fun. There really is a TON more girly stuff out there.

This set of letters is by far my favorite part of her room. It is literally what I based the rest of her room around. My most awesome Aunt Nell bought them for Savanah when she was a baby.I stressed and stressed about what colors, papers, and embellishments to choose. I think it went well.
The sign is hanging in the middle of her dresser/shelves/changing table thing. I bought the metal sign from Roberts in Utah. Are they really almost all gone? I loved that place, especially on Black Friday! I found a saying that I liked, and thought fit our little diva well, and cut it out in vinyl. And, oh how true this quote has proved itself to be!

The last project was the cheapest and easiest thing ever. Decorating with plates has been popular for a few year now. You can find plates absolutely anywhere. This particular one was found at the Dollar Tree. I have purchased plates from the Dollar Tree, DI, Tai Pan, Target, and just about anywhere else you can think of. I cut a simple design out of vinyl and left it at that.
Decorating a room can be a ton of fun and really doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Win, win!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bow and Flower Holder

 A while back I posted this tutorial. I realized today that I never posted about the flower holder. I also just noticed that one of the flowers is missing from its spot. NOT good for my OCD!

This was such an easy project. And as long as you know how to use a glue gun, you will be fine! 

I started with an unfinished frame from Hobby Lobby. You could definitely use an frame you have, just take off the back and the glass. I painted the frame white to match Tana's room and added very small vinyl decals just to give it a little something.
Next, find some coordinating ribbon. If you have a staple gun, you could totally use that to attach the ribbon, but I used hot glue. Measure out where each piece of ribbon will go and glue all the ribbon to the top. Once the tops are completely dry, pull the ribbon taut and glue the bottoms.

So simple, yet such a cute "decoration" to any room.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I So EPICALLY Want To Win!

Over a year ago, I posted this post on our family blog.
Yes, the last post was written 16 months ago! Yes, the only changes we have made to the room are removing the curtains and moving the table! Yes, I realize that is really sad!
 Let me paint you a nice picture.
Imagine that you move to yet another state (fifth state in nine years). It is your eleventh move in that said nine years. You still do not own an actual bed, because of said moves. Or any other bedroom furniture for that matter.
Also imagine that you work full time for the school district, have a pretty intense calling at church, and have a military husband who seems to be gone a lot more then he is home (yes, that is the "I really hope you feel bad for me" portion of the blog post!).

Although the main setup and size of our room is AWESOME, it is totally lacking. Such a sad, sad bedroom.
So PLEASE help me get Mandi to come make over my room! We would be totally great together, don't you think?
PS The part in the rules about not taking any bribes... you may be singing a different tune when the basket of mini muffins shows up at your house. Just sayin'!
PPS I know in your interview on Studio 5 you mentioned that you would love to go to Florida, or Arizona, or even Pennsylvania. I am sure Wyoming was the next state you were thinking, right...?