Friday, August 16, 2013

Homemade Detangler

This might not be new to some of you, but this idea just popped into my head the other day.
My daughter has a ton of hair. And we live in windy Wyoming, which means we deal with a lot of tangles. The store bought stuff can be pretty cheap but trying to find one that has a nice smell and doesn't leave a build up can be tough. I guess I jut dealt with buying the stuff from the store that it didn't dawn on me to try to make my own.
On one particularly tangly day last week I thought about putting a small drop of conditioner in my daughter's hair to try to help. That was when I came up with this solution.
Take any empty spray bottle (you can buy one from the Dollar Tree or use one from home) and add about three squirts of your favorite conditioner. I used what was left of my organic coconut conditioner. This is especially great if you are concerned about unknown toxins. Now fill the bottle with hot water, leaving about an inch at the top and shake. The hot water helps break the conditioner down and allows it to mix with the water.
We have been using this for about a week and love it! The smell is amazing and it works wonders on tangles.