Thursday, May 9, 2013

Maxi Skirt Tutorial

Once I realized how ridiculously simple these skirts were to make, I have been whipping them out like crazy!
This tutorial is really simple, so don't try to over think it. Also, it involves some basic addition, so bust out those calculators if you need them!

1. Cut your waist band pieces. You will need two rectangles that stretch across your hips. To find the size measure around your hips. For example: my measurement was 33". Then subtract 2" from that number.  For the "height" the basic measurements call for a 16" piece. That way when it is folded and sewn it is 8" and then essentially folded again over itself when you wear it, it is 4". I cut this a little short because I have a shorter torso.

2. Cut you main pieces. You will need two of these again with the stretch going across your body. This is where you need to do some math. To find the width of the top of the skirt, take your band measurement and add eight inches. Then find a bottom measurement by just cutting your piece at an a-line until you hit the edge of the fabric.
My hips are 33"
33"-2"= 31"
31"/2= 15 1/2" (Divided by two for the front and back panel)
My waistband was 15 1/2"x15"
31 + 8= 39"
My fabric width was 56"
Once you have these numbers you need to place your fabric right sides together and then fold the material hot dog style again. This will make it where you only make one cut. But doing this means you need to divide your two numbers in into fourths. So, in my case, 39/4=9.75" and 56/4=14".

Yeah... you totally can't read what that says. The drawing points out the line that you make from the top measurement (9.75") and the bottom measurement (14"). You are angling the line out from the smaller number to the larger number. Cut along this line, leaving you with two a-line pieces.

3. Serge, serge,  serge. If you don't have a serger, you can use a zig-zag stitch on your machine. Sew your two main pieces of fabric, right sides together, down the sides. Also sew your two waist band piece together along the tall sides.

4. At this point try on your waist band piece to make sure it fits. If it is too big, meaning you have a lot of stretch in your fabric, cut it smaller little by little. Once you are satisfied with your waist band, continue!

5. Fold your waist band piece over, wrong sides together, and line up the raw edges. Flip your main skirt piece so right sides are facing out. Now place your waist band around the main skirt piece and line up ALL the raw edges. Line up the side seams and pin into place.

5. As you sew/serge, pull JUST the waist band piece. You are pulling on the waist band to stretch it to the same width as the main fabric. Just stretch and sew/serge.

6. After your two pieces are sewn together, iron all your seams. This will snap your fabric right back down to size. Make sure to use lots of steam!

7. Now try on your skirt and cut any excess material from the bottom. No need to hem this stuff, it will just kind of roll over on itself anyway.

Now, about the pink skirt pictured, it is obviously not the same type of skirt. I did several alterations to this skirt because I cut the material wrong and wanted to add a fun ruffle to the bottom. This just shows how you can dress up and add things to this simple tutorial.


***My awesome friend did a quick photo shoot for my facebook page!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love maxis. And the little girl version is adorable!