Monday, September 30, 2013

Life is Full of Surprises

Oh yes... we will be adding another Tinsley to our family in May.
To say that we were shocked would be quite the understatement. Especially since we were taking the necessary precautions! I had a few symptoms but didn't think much of it since I am "getting older" as my mother likes to point out. The symptoms increased and then a few others announced themselves, so I bit the bullet and bought a test.
I still waited a couple days, probably in denial. Finally, one Sunday afternoon after waking up from a nap, I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. Those two pink lines popped up faster then I expected and for a brief moment I am pretty sure I had a small heart attack.
I haven't had a baby in five years. FIVE YEARS! Not to mention that we got rid of most of our baby stuff. We thought we were done... we thought wrong.
I'm pretty sure I made this same face when the test read positive!
We have had several weeks to adjust to the news and it is sinking in. I am also surrounded by amazing friends and family that are ready with whatever baby supplies I need. And I have about seven months to mourn my craft room before the new little arrives.
To surprise the grandparents I made Savanah a quick shirt using my Cricut. I cut the vinyl out to use as a stencil and filled in the letters with fabric paint and some glitter.

Don't have a Cricut, no worries, freezer paper and an exacto knife work awesome!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pottery Barn Gear for Cheap

I love Pottery Barn. We definitely cannot afford it, but my mother in law has bought the kids several awesome things from there and I just love the quality. One of my favorites was when she bought the kids luggage with their initials. They look so cute rolling their personalized luggage through the airport.
While visiting Utah this summer I made sure to hit up Downeast the check out their PB stock. They sell it at a discount because it is either damaged or has been personalized. Most of the names are odd. Like REALLY odd, but they have some awesome stuff for cheap. And occasionally you can find a name of someone you actually know. Score!
The day we went they happened to be doing an extra 30% off their gear. This alone would have been awesome, but on top of that the stuff was way clearanced already.
I grabbed several backpacks, like the one above, for under $2. I also grabbed lunch boxes, water bottles, and little make-up bags. I didn't want to miss anything. Especially when these backpacks still sell for a ridiculous amount.
I tried to grab the ones with the shortest names so that they would be easier to cover. Then I got to work finding the perfect patches. Landon's proved to be a little difficult, as I had to go to the Internet to find it. A quick ship from London and we were in business.
I opted for the iron on version because obviously anyone can do it. I figure if we have issues later, I can sew it then.
Not too bad for a seven dollar Pottery Barn backpack. Sadly, yes, the patch was more then double the actual backpack. :(
So if you live near a Downeast, seriously go check it out. You won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Simple Nail Polish Handout

I have mentioned before that I teach the 12-18 year old girls at church. We decided to divide our teaching responsibilities into months instead of weeks this year. That way we get all our teaching done at one time and don't have to worry about it for another three months.
Since September is one of my months, I am currently in full swing. The first week of the month is always a fast Sunday in the LDS church, and so handing out treats would be torture for everyone! I try to come up with something that isn't edible.
While at Joann's I came across a three pack of little nail polishes for only 50 cents. I snatched up all they had and knew I could do something with them. 
It didn't take long for something to pop into my head and with the help of picmonkey I got to work.
The best part is that you could easily change out the "testimony of fasting and tithing" part for anything else.
Simple and cute. And what girl wouldn't love a new nail polish?