Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shoe Re-Do

You have to try this tutorial!
I absolutely love little, pink shoes!  And everyone knows that white shoes on a three year old is a bad idea.

This is such a simple idea and totally works.  The dye stays on the canvas parts only.
Can't wait to find a pair my size!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Princess Necklace

Ariel and a sand dollar charm

A few weeks ago my sister called me about these necklaces she found on  We both thought they were super cute, and what girl (young or old) doesn't love a Disney princess?

While perusing the deal trying to figure out which one I wanted for Savanah, I noticed that the girl who designed the pictures commented on the link.  The next click led me to her website full of designs specifically for bezels/bottle caps.  The sets of images are only $1.75 and she specifically says that you can use them in any way as long as you don't sell the images in their raw form.  Awesome!

After that it was time to start looking for the materials.  My sister did quite the search to find the bezels and inserts.  We decided on The Glass Connection.  I ordered the bezels and the epoxy stickers.  The seller suggested the epoxy stickers because of the ages I was making them for.  They are also self adhesive which makes them easier to use.  With shipping and tax each bezel and sticker cost a little over a dollar.

Cinderella and a key charm
Tinkerbell and a star charm
Meg and a Pegasus charm
Aurora and a crown charm
I love them all!  There are 12 princess images to choose from.  Would it be silly to make them all?  I also made a key chain for myself.  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Mom...

is pretty awesome!
She has made several different banners for people. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other fun stuff. Oh, the things you can do with a Cricut.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Old Shirt: New Life

I love when I come across a tutorial that saves one of my shirts from the donation pile.  I have a few shirts that I truly love but the shape has always been wrong.  

Three of the shirts are a silky material and while I love the softness and the lightweight material, I hated how boxy and long they were.  I thought about hemming them but sometimes trying to hem this type of material can be a pain.

Enter this tutorial.  Totally simple and, come on, who doesn't have a ton of elastic lying around?

The only difference is that I just used a regular stitch instead of a zig-zag.  Not sure if that matters, though.
Seriously, go try it.  It also leaves open the possibilities of buying larger shirts.  I know that has happened to everyone.  You find a shirt you LOVE but it is way too big.  Solution!