Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Growth Chart

Growing up in California, my parents had a closet that is marked to the high heavens with all of our heights over the years. It even has markings for a few kids my mom did daycare for. I love looking in that closet. So much so, that if my parents ever move they will need to cut it out and take it with them.
I know I have mentioned several times that we have moved a lot. Eleven times in ten years, a lot. So marking up some door frame just wouldn't make any sense. Everything I make needs to be portable!
This was so easy. My sister and I got together one day back when we lived in Utah. I had the good people at Home Depot cut the 2x6 for me. We painted them to match our kids' rooms, marked out our spaces, and then slapped on some vinyl. If you don't have a Cricut or Silhouette to cut the vinyl it will be more time consuming.

The only change I would make would be to add a hanging thing to the back, so I could hang it from the wall. I have Tana's sitting on the floor and it occasionally gets knocked over. But if I were to hang it now I would have to adjust all the vinyl pieces. I am a little too lazy for that!

There are so many different growth charts out there now, so you can do a quick Google search and find a ton of pictures! My new favorite is the stained wood one that looks all vintage. Way cute!

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