Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Girly Decor

 While having a girl has proved to be somewhat of a challenge at times, it does have its perks.
Decorating her room has been so much fun. There really is a TON more girly stuff out there.

This set of letters is by far my favorite part of her room. It is literally what I based the rest of her room around. My most awesome Aunt Nell bought them for Savanah when she was a baby.I stressed and stressed about what colors, papers, and embellishments to choose. I think it went well.
The sign is hanging in the middle of her dresser/shelves/changing table thing. I bought the metal sign from Roberts in Utah. Are they really almost all gone? I loved that place, especially on Black Friday! I found a saying that I liked, and thought fit our little diva well, and cut it out in vinyl. And, oh how true this quote has proved itself to be!

The last project was the cheapest and easiest thing ever. Decorating with plates has been popular for a few year now. You can find plates absolutely anywhere. This particular one was found at the Dollar Tree. I have purchased plates from the Dollar Tree, DI, Tai Pan, Target, and just about anywhere else you can think of. I cut a simple design out of vinyl and left it at that.
Decorating a room can be a ton of fun and really doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Win, win!

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