Thursday, April 25, 2013

I Dub Thee, Slap Bet Commissioner

I seriously LOVE LOOOOOOOVE How I Met Your Mother. Let me take you back a little. Two years ago we moved to Wyoming and I was all about Friends (still am, you never forget your first love). I had never really even heard of HIMYM. Not long after moving here, my birthday came around and my friend dropped by that fateful day to drop off a gift. I was so young and naive. I had no clue that she just handed me the best gift ever!
She gave me the first two seasons of HIMYM and I was hooked. We now own them all as well as watch them on Netflix. Soooooooooo freakin' funny. You have to watch them in order from the beginning to get the best experience. It truly gets funnier every time I watch it.
So in honor of my friend's birthday, I deemed her "slap bet commissioner".
These shirts are so fun and easy to make. Just like the Disneyland shirts. Just a quick stencil, some paint, and a little glitter.
I especially love that it sparkles.
The possibilities are endless. Time to personalize your gifts!


Tiffani said...

Okay, have not seen the show but now I am going to start watching it. ;)
So do you have a cricut? or a silloute? And then you make your stencil out of vinal? Is vinal pretty cheap for those types of machines?

Unknown said...

Tiff, you totally need to watch it, it is the best! I do have a Cricut and use it a ton. Just cut whatever out of the vinyl and then peel out the middle and use it as a stencil. The vinyl is pretty cheap now. You can buy it at any of the craft stores and use a coupon.

Tiffani said...

Good to know Bree... I might have to get that as a birthday splurge!;)