Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pottery Barn Gear for Cheap

I love Pottery Barn. We definitely cannot afford it, but my mother in law has bought the kids several awesome things from there and I just love the quality. One of my favorites was when she bought the kids luggage with their initials. They look so cute rolling their personalized luggage through the airport.
While visiting Utah this summer I made sure to hit up Downeast the check out their PB stock. They sell it at a discount because it is either damaged or has been personalized. Most of the names are odd. Like REALLY odd, but they have some awesome stuff for cheap. And occasionally you can find a name of someone you actually know. Score!
The day we went they happened to be doing an extra 30% off their gear. This alone would have been awesome, but on top of that the stuff was way clearanced already.
I grabbed several backpacks, like the one above, for under $2. I also grabbed lunch boxes, water bottles, and little make-up bags. I didn't want to miss anything. Especially when these backpacks still sell for a ridiculous amount.
I tried to grab the ones with the shortest names so that they would be easier to cover. Then I got to work finding the perfect patches. Landon's proved to be a little difficult, as I had to go to the Internet to find it. A quick ship from London and we were in business.
I opted for the iron on version because obviously anyone can do it. I figure if we have issues later, I can sew it then.
Not too bad for a seven dollar Pottery Barn backpack. Sadly, yes, the patch was more then double the actual backpack. :(
So if you live near a Downeast, seriously go check it out. You won't be disappointed.

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