Saturday, September 3, 2011

Creative Storage

I am always looking for fun, new ways to store things around he house.

For the longest time I kept my makeup in simple makeup bags under the sink.  My only issue with this was that every morning when I would put my makeup on I would have to go digging under the sink to find the bags.  Eventually that would get too obnoxious so the bags would just stay on the counter.  Not okay!

I know a lot of people keep their makeup in the drawers in baskets, but our bathroom just does not have that kind of room.  Enter pottery!
I found these pots at Hobby Lobby several years ago at the end of summer.  Because they were a summer item, I got them 90% off.  Making them EXTREMELY cheap.
I love the look they add to the counter.  Still keeping everything neat and decorative.  It is also a lot easier to find what I need.  No digging around in a bag or my drawers.

Try to think outside the box when storing items around your house!

1 comment:

Katie & James Shannon said...

Yeah my makeup bag is on the counter taking up lots of space, but I don't think I could fit all of my things in something like that. The stuff you havent used in months would suddenly be missed once you don't have them out. Looks great though!