Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Simple Nail Polish Handout

I have mentioned before that I teach the 12-18 year old girls at church. We decided to divide our teaching responsibilities into months instead of weeks this year. That way we get all our teaching done at one time and don't have to worry about it for another three months.
Since September is one of my months, I am currently in full swing. The first week of the month is always a fast Sunday in the LDS church, and so handing out treats would be torture for everyone! I try to come up with something that isn't edible.
While at Joann's I came across a three pack of little nail polishes for only 50 cents. I snatched up all they had and knew I could do something with them. 
It didn't take long for something to pop into my head and with the help of picmonkey I got to work.
The best part is that you could easily change out the "testimony of fasting and tithing" part for anything else.
Simple and cute. And what girl wouldn't love a new nail polish?

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