Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fun Birthday Gift

Do you have a friend that seems to have everything? Maybe several friends? Maybe it is just that when you get older you just buy yourself whatever you want, so there really isn't anything else for others to buy you?

I sometimes have a hard time shopping for my friends, if you couldn't tell. I like to make the gift personal, but also functional. I get tired of framing pictures or cute quotes, and buying clothes or shoes can be tricky. I love gift cards, but they can seem so "I didn't know what to get you so I bought you a gift card".

Do you see the problem?

I have a close friend who is celebrating a birthday on the 2nd. Her husband is currently deployed so I wanted to do something special. I partnered up with another good friend of ours and we got our think tanks turning.
Say hello to the gift card bouquet.

We got gift cards to all her favorite places, as well as one for a pedicure. Can you believe she has NEVER had one? I will be joining her. You know, for moral support on her first time. ;)
We also threw on some gum, mints, and nail polish. I normally would have used a bunch of candy, but she is on a sugar free diet until her husband comes home.

Just tape all your goodies onto skewers and poke them down into the vase. We used a Styrofoam ball to keep them in place. Throw a big bag of mints down to cover the bottom and the ball and call it good.

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