Saturday, September 1, 2012

I So EPICALLY Want To Win!

Over a year ago, I posted this post on our family blog.
Yes, the last post was written 16 months ago! Yes, the only changes we have made to the room are removing the curtains and moving the table! Yes, I realize that is really sad!
 Let me paint you a nice picture.
Imagine that you move to yet another state (fifth state in nine years). It is your eleventh move in that said nine years. You still do not own an actual bed, because of said moves. Or any other bedroom furniture for that matter.
Also imagine that you work full time for the school district, have a pretty intense calling at church, and have a military husband who seems to be gone a lot more then he is home (yes, that is the "I really hope you feel bad for me" portion of the blog post!).

Although the main setup and size of our room is AWESOME, it is totally lacking. Such a sad, sad bedroom.
So PLEASE help me get Mandi to come make over my room! We would be totally great together, don't you think?
PS The part in the rules about not taking any bribes... you may be singing a different tune when the basket of mini muffins shows up at your house. Just sayin'!
PPS I know in your interview on Studio 5 you mentioned that you would love to go to Florida, or Arizona, or even Pennsylvania. I am sure Wyoming was the next state you were thinking, right...?

1 comment:

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

Breanna! You are ADORABLE!! I am so glad that you entered again, fingers crossed it works out better this time!

Love your guts