Monday, May 7, 2012

Flip Flops

I love flip flops in the summer. Or any time of year. It is totally the California girl in me! It also helps that they are ridiculously cheap. 

The only issue is that Landon struggles to walk in them. It looks like he is suffering from a case of hemorrhoids when he walks around. And it takes him forever to get anywhere. Not working!

I tried this tutorial last year, but they only lasted one day before the snaps popped off. My next idea was to sew elastic onto to back. The only problem was that I couldn't for the life of me get the elastic and shoe under the machine. I finally decided to just try gluing them. I simply busted out the E-6000, glued the elastic around, and held it into place with cloth pins.
So far they have held up nicely. Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that they last!

1 comment:

Katie & James Shannon said...

I laughed out loud!! ha! That's okay Jayden's feet are too fat to slide under the thong part