Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Own Tags

Oh Pinterst... how I love thee!  I didn't really get it at first and I still cannot really spend a lot of time on there, but it is so nice to quickly glance at a picture without clicking on anything.

I came across this pin the other day and about died.  Such a simple concept.  I had looked into buying tags before but they were still a little too expensive.  This is nice because I already had the transfer paper from another project.

I started by designing a little something in Word.  I found a nice, quick tutorial on how to flip the image.
After printing the images on transfer paper, I cut them out and ironed them onto my ribbon.  Quick tip: place a piece of cotton fabric over the tags before ironing to project your image and your ribbon.
Add your new tags to your favorite sewing projects and admire the cuteness!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ohhh, that is cute! Looks easy too :)